Orders that do not comply with HP.com terms, conditions, and limitations may be cancelled. Items sold by HP.com are not for immediate resale. These terms apply only to products sold by HP.com reseller offers may vary. Correct prices and promotions are validated at the time your order is placed. Despite our best efforts, a small number of items may contain pricing, typography, or photography errors. Quantity limits may apply to orders, including orders for discounted and promotional items. Price protection, price matching or price guarantees do not apply to Intra-day, Daily Deals or limited-time promotions. Prices, specifications, availability and terms of offers may change without notice. When you have finished scanning everything that you would like saved as a single file, click Save.You can access additional editing featuring by clicking More Edit each scan by double-clicking each preview to crop, rotate, or adjust the brightness.Continue scanning pages until you are finished.If you have additional pages, scan them one at a time by clicking Add pages, then placing the next item in the tray or on the scanner glass.Click Scan and wait for a preview to appear on your computer in the HP Scan display preview.If you have a glass scanner bed, put the item you want to be scanned face-down according to the guide printed on the edge of the glass Load the documents, if you’re using a feeder tray.Click More if you want to view advanced settings and change the resolution, orientation, or destination of the file after saving.Go through the additional settings, such as color or black-and-white and page size.Select Show Viewer After Scan in the checkbox.You should also set where the scan will take place, either in the scanner flatbed or through a document feeder tray
You can choose to scan as various file types, such as PDF or JPEG. Check to see that your settings are set for the project you want to scan.Choose the Scan tab, then click Scan a Document or Photo Check to see that the scanner is either connected to your computer with a USB cable or via the local wireless network.
Search for your device’s model and download the software and drivers If you aren’t sure, or you don’t have the printer software installed, go to the HP Customer Support site.